Temps Suspendu. Vernissage

Je suis très contente de vous inviter à l’ouverture de Temps Suspendu, dans la galerie de Comptoirs Arlésiens de jeune photographie à Arles, France.
Ce vendredi à 18 h commence l’exposition restera dans la galerie jusqu’au 27 Décembre 2014 Il sera exposé des photos de mon nouveau travail Le matin.
Temps Suspendu

Altres mirades sobre l’art

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Roma is a lucid, fast, sharp water-eyed man, passionate, an inevitable revolutionary. I met him a few years ago at the Escola Massana in Barcelona, ​​where he teaches. As we talked we toured the old building. I love exploring the spaces and he knows every inch of the place, was an amazing guide. I remember formidable spaces and stairs, roofs, walkways, white classrooms, libraries. Later we thake look to some photos and we recognized in several ideas.
This summer I returned to Barcelona. Had coffee with Pere and Romá. He surprised me with this book, where among other things, talks about Love on the wall photos. Obviously, Romá realized the truth, and I love how he say it: Love on the wall photos are falsely cold. Yes.
I like, I’m toched about him call to action, I like the thrill of the action in his young students, I really like his claim and validation of the buried history of his country. The clarity of mind that a country with fear, which erases his past can not make just laws and act accordingly. Without fear of inconveniencing lashes and declares the death of photojournalism, art urgency, despises forced aesthetic discourses and machismo. He is direct and acerbic, shakes us. Calls to move, to keep us awake and alert, ready for action.
Thank you, thank you very much. I love your text in Altres mirades sobre l’art, it’s windy, so dissipates the fog of the mainstream. It is an honor to walk over there.

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